Town of Burns Flat Oklahoma
City Projects
See your tax dollars at work improving infrastructure and quality of life items in Burns Flat.

Entry Signs
These new entry signs greet visitors at the north and south entrances of town.
This project was completed in March 2016.

Skate Park
With the assistance of a $25,000 grant from Midwestern Oklahoma Development Authority, the Town constructed a $50,000 skate park.
The pad measures 40'x85' and includes seven skate equipment features.
This project was completed in October 2015.

Playground Border
20+ year old white PVC pipes were replaced with a new border around the community playground at a cost of approximately $3,500.
This project was completed in October 2015.

Asphalt Overlay for Residential Streets
As part of a Rural Economic Action Plan Grant provided by South Western Oklahoma Development Authority, the Town was able to do an asphalt overlay over a portion of residential streets and intersections in the community totaling almost $80,000.
This project was completed in July 2015.

Baseball/Softball Fields Renovation and New Equipment
In February 2015, the Board of Trustees approved $35,000 to be spent on renovating the baseball/softball fields, purchase new equipment for the summer league, and four new aluminum bleachers.
Mayor Terry Field stated, “The beneficiaries of this investment will be the youth of our community. This program provides a fun and constructive use of their time during the summer months while teaching them the value of sportsmanship and teamwork.”
This project was completed in June 2015.